KJK's Student & Athlete Defense Practice Group defends and advises students and professors facing Title IX and other campus misconduct allegations...
Aug 22, 2022 · KJK's Student & Athlete Defense practice group is a nationally renowned practice that has earned a reputation for success. Meet the team!
KJK Title IX Student & Athlete Defense includes extremely qualified and experienced Title IX and campus misconduct attorneys who also work in reputation ...
A student criminal defense lawyer can advocate for students and faculty accused of serious campus-related crimes.
The Student & Athlete Defense practice group at KJK regularly works with fraternities and Greek organizations, as well as other student groups to defend ...
As co-chair of KJK's Student & Athlete Defense/Title IX Practice Group, Kristina has spent years serving the legal needs of students and professors in crisis.
KJK's Student & Athlete Defense Title IX attorneys defend and advise students and professors facing Title IX and other campus misconduct allegations, ...
From representing individuals involved in misconduct and Title IX matters to advocating for students with special education needs and those with autism or ...
KJK Title IX Student & Athlete Defense includes extremely qualified and experienced Title IX and campus misconduct attorneys who also work in reputation ...